Holly Hanna Lets the Boys In

Hot Blonde Seeks Votes in Alternative Media Awards

VENICE, CA – After the announcement last week that Holly Hanna has been leaving her backdoor open, it was only a matter of time that the boys showed up. And they showed up.

This week she has loaded new boy/girl content to her website, http://hollyhanna.com/, to go along with other hot new videos that will take you on a fun and sexy ride with the adventurous young blonde.

Speaking of adventure, nothing could inspire Holly more today than everyone voting for her in the Alternative Media Awards. Voting is easy, simply tweet the following:
@w1radio #MissMarchMadness @hollyhanna91

Fans can do that once an hour, so don’t be shy! The only catch—and it’s not much of a catch—is that one must follow @w1radio for their vote to be counted. Round one ends in less than a week.

Read the recent interview with her on AdultFYI at www.adultfyi.com/read.php?ID=57565.

If you have any questions or just want to talk call her anytime using Verified Call. Go to https://verifiedcall.com/profiles/hollyhanna/ for more information on how to get in touch with the blonde beauty.

Stay tuned to her Twitter (@HollyHanna91) for all her updates for cam shows, Verified Call and everything else. Visit her site for tons of live shows and much more at http://hollyhanna.com/.

Go to the official Holly Hanna website at www.hollyhanna.com. To smoke a little Holly Hanna OG visit http://klhla.org. Holly can be booked through LA Direct Models. Visit http://www.ladirectmodels.com/talent.php?id=898&gender=female and all the details.