30 Rock Star Says Lisa Ann Knows More About Foreign Policy Than Palin

VENICE, CA – When Tina Fey hosted the Ad Council Annual Dinner last week, former Saturday Night Live cast member Tina Fey revisited the Sarah Palin character she played on the show and then made discussed Lisa Ann, who not only famously did Palin’s character for Hustler’s two Palin DVDs and an interactive, but also played Fey in New Sensations’ 30 Rock parody.

“Mrs. Palin and I continue to have so much in common,” Fey said during her address. “They recently made a porn movie about Sarah and then this same porn actress, Lisa Ann, played me in a parody of 30 Rock … and weirdly of the three of us, Lisa Ann knows the most about foreign policy. But I know the most about threeways, so it all works itself out.”

While Lisa Ann didn’t want to talk about foreign policy this week, she was pleased that Tina had acknowledged her performances.

“It’s no secret that I’m a Tina Fey fan,” Lisa said, “and I thought it was hilarious that she was talking about the Palin triangle we have formed. For both of us, Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.”

To view Tina Fey’s speech at the Ad Council Annual Dinner go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IA9V5iKJF0.

For more on Lisa Ann visit her fabulous new site www.TheLisaAnn.com. And follow her every move on Twitter by going to http://twitter.com/thereallisaann.